B.C. Ferries

Island Hopping, BC

Outside Deck, B.C. Ferries

West Coast Transit To Vietnam

Rushing to get some last minute details completed prior to the trip to Vietnam was quite fun when we had to island hop a bit on the West Coast.

Ferry to our flight

Ferry to our flight

While we had time to burn in Vancouver, a local in Vancouver, Jenn recommended California Sushi and it was a pretty good find, good portions and pretty good sushi.


Sushi California

Sushi California

Having to wake up at 5 in the morning so that we can make sure we catch the last ferry from Vancouver to Long Harbor, Salt Spring Island was another task taken on and succeeded. Along the way we picked up a package for a bargain hunter, squeezed in dinner prior to the ferry (yay, no ferry food).


Ferry Dock Tsawwassen

Ferry Dock Tsawwassen

Last Bit Of Nanaimo

Stopped in at Aladdin’s Cafe for lunch, yum yum. Nanaimo.

Aladdin’s Cafe

Met up with our Jasperite Art Jackson at the inner Harbour and cruise around Nanaimo and see us off on our journey abroad.

Murial west coast

Murial west coast, Art enjoying Art


Motorcycle Tour 2017 Chapter Nine – Almost Home

Motorcycle Tour 2017 Chapter Nine – Almost Home

Back in Canada Just about a thousand kilometres left to complete the loop, but thwarted by snow conditions, I will have to drive the last portion in Spring of 2018. Now, Li'l Shasta is parked at a friends garage in Cumberland B.C., my itch to get back on the bike is...

Motorcycle Tour 2017 Chapter Five – Quebec

Motorcycle Tour 2017 Chapter Five – Quebec

Montreal Family and Friends Feeling the similarities of Jasper, where friends seems timeless and family is always there for you. I just love getting around this wonderful city. Thanks everyone for taking time out to host me around the city and feeding me with totally...